Resume & Cover Letting Writing

Resume Writing Service Based Out of Dallas / Fort Worth
AND Offering Virtual Services

Package Your New Resume with a Cover Letter & LinkedIn Optimization

Your resume is the initial key that will get you one step closer to your dream job. Your resume needs to articulate your strengths and why a company should consider you.

Best Resume Writing Service

Most top performing resumes have a few things in common:

Clear, Simplified Layout

AYV resumes are clear, concise, and easy to follow.

Overview or Summary

We prefer to include a professional summary to serve as a proper introduction to who you are professionally. This immediately provides the hiring manager with an idea of what they can expect and creates intrigue and excitement regarding what they are about to read!


We incorporate key words related to the role and industry. A common error when writing a resume on your own is stuffing your resume with keywords. ‘Keyword stuffing’ takes away from the actual experience that you are attempting to convey and will seem out of place to the prospective hiring manager.

Cover Letters

Less than 80% of job candidates submit a cover letter and depending on the role, they are not a requirement. At AYV, we view this as an opportunity for you to stand out. Cover letters are forward focused and allow you to speak directly to your credentials and how they will be of value in a prospective role. Additionally, a cover letter is a call to action in that you are asking to move forward with being interviewed.

Sample Resumes

Why Choose Articulate Your Value

We have created or revamped thousands of resumes and cover letters for our clients, with the majority successfully securing offers of employment with several fortune 500 companies, Governmental Agencies, Non-profit organizations, Schools, Small to Midsized organizations, etc. Each resume is carefully crafted to be read by hiring managers and successfully scanned by Applicant Tracking Systems. Many larger companies use some sort of ATS to help narrow down their search to the most qualified candidates. We make sure that your resume will be optimized with keywords that these systems use to choose resumes.