Employment Attainment Services
Optimize Your Career Application Strategy
Gone are the days where a job seeker can write up a simple, basic resume and submit it with a job application. The business world has been an ever-changing environment. Not only are job markets increasingly competitive, but now advancements in technology have automated a part of the hiring process. Many companies have begun to use Applicant Tracking Systems that allow them to scan resumes searching for certain keywords that match what the company is looking for.
We specialize in helping you to Articulate Your Value to any company that you are applying for. This goes beyond just a specially crafted resume and cover letter. We are more full-service, offering interview prep and even LinkedIn profile optimization. Whether you just need one of these services or multiple, we have package deals so that you can maximize your potential.
Choose the Right Employment Attainment Package For You
Our Resume & Employment Attainment Services
Resume And Cover Letter Writing
Our core service. A one-on-one allows us to learn more about you to get a better understanding of your skills and talents, and how to articulate those perfectly to an employer you are applying to. Not only do you want your talents to stand out, but you want the resume as a whole to stand out to articulate the effort you’ve put in.

Interview Prep
Interviews can be nerve wracking, and there are many people who don’t prepare for interviews. Did you know that the average person that does prepare spends approximately 9-12 hours preparing? Having a jump start on questions that are likely to be asked during your interview combined with knowledge about the company will give you a huge advantage in the hiring process.
LinkedIn Profile Optimization
LinkedIn’s popularity has exploded over the years and it’s one of the top locations for companies to search for new talent to add to their team. However, it’s a lot like having a good resume: if your LinkedIn profile isn’t properly optimized, it’s going to get overlooked. We have assisted hundreds of people articulate their value on this widely popular social media platform.

Outplacement and Relocation Resume Assistance
Lose your job? Experience a life event and need to move, which means you’re going to need a new job fast? At Articulate Your Value, we also specialize in crafting professional resumes and cover letters when you’re in a pinch and need to get your resume updated in a short amount of time.
Ready to Rewrite Your Resume?
Using our resume writers will prove to be a much more effective strategy than a self-written resume when aiming to attain the best job available within your skillset. You’ll also be able to improve your value in the eyes of hiring agencies and recruiters. To get started, schedule a consultation with Jeremy Hardiman at Articulate Your Value today!